Στις οδηγίες χρήσης της μυγοσκοτώστρας δακτύλου, διαβάζουμε τα εξής:
"The present invention is an insect dissuasion device that resembles a miniature fly swatter adapted to be fixed onto an end of a human finger. When a device of the present invention is attached for example onto an index finger, normal activities such as holding a book or a drink container are unimpeded. An insect can be spontaneously discouraged by simply flexing, slowly encroaching upon and then “flicking” the finger and the attached device of the present invention. Due to the small size of the “finger fly swatter” most insects do not react to its presence and are caught off-guard by the rapid flicking motion. Most insects are easily struck and swept away from one’s body by the device of the present invention, resulting in permanent removal of the particular insect."
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